15 useful texting templates for recruiters

Each Keeyora user gets 15 customizable and personalized templates. If you're looking for ideas on effective ways to use templates then feel free to use any (or all!) of these!
Don't forget to check out our tips to make sure your templated messages avoid the spam filters and get the best response rates. Also, our scheduled messages feature can be a great way to automate some of these templates.
Candidate application responses:
Responding to job applications:
Hey [FirstName] this is Brian from AcmeCorp. You have some great experience and I would love to speak with you about your recent job application with us. How does your schedule look this week?
Online calendar interview bookings:
Hey [FirstName] this is Brian from AcmeCorp. I’ve reviewed your resume and would love to learn more about you and tell you more about opportunities with us. Feel free to book a call in my calendar: www.calendly.com/brianinterview
Inviting candidate to a phone screen:
Hey [FirstName], thanks for applying to our position here at Keeyora! My name is Brian and I'm a recruiter here. I'd love to get some time on the phone with you later this week - how does your schedule look?
Scheduling & follow ups:
Call confirmation:
Hey [FirstName], sounds good I'll call you then from my VOIP number 778 345 6789.
Following up on important emails:
Hey [FirstName], I've just sent the job offer to your email. Please check your spam folder and let me know if you still don't see it!
Hey [FirstName], I've just left you a voicemail - feel free to call me back at this number anytime.
Interview Reminders and details:
Onsite interview details + google maps link:
Hi [FirstName] I have sent the interview details to your email address - please confirm you have received them! We look forward to meeting you - find our office here: https://goo.gl/maps/NWCe85SoWV2NBJkr5
Zoom interview confirmation:
Hi [FirstName] the details of your Zoom interview should now be in your calendar. Please confirm you have received them and let me know if you have any trouble connecting to the call.
Same day interview reminder & good luck (this is a good one to be scheduled):
Good luck in today's interview [FirstName]! I'm here if you need me for anything :)
24 Hour interview reminder (this is a good one to be scheduled):
Hey [FirstName], we look forward to meeting with you tomorrow! Do you have all the details you need for the interview?
Post-interview follow up (this is a good one to be scheduled):
How did the interview go today [FirstName]? When is a good time to jump on a quick call with you to chat about your feedback?
Offers and onboarding:
Offer letter send confirmation:
Hey [FirstName], the offer letter should now be in your inbox - please let me know asap if you don't see it. Congratulations - we look forward to having you join us!
Onboarding documentation:
Hi [FirstName] we look forward to having you join us! Please click this link to access the forms required to start your onboarding process: www.onboardingdocumentlink.com. Please let me know if you have any questions!
Background check:
Hey [FirstName], the next step in the interview process is to complete a background check. Please click this link to get started and let me know if you have any questions: www.backcheck.com
1st day check in (this is a good one to be scheduled):
Hi [FirstName] how did the first day go? Is there anything I can help with?
1st week check in (this is a good tone to be scheduled):
Hey [FirstName] it's been a weeks since you've joined us - time flies! How has everything gone so far?